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Showing posts from March, 2020

Notable Recent Publications - March 2020

Notable Recent Publications features the latest empirical research and data related to indigent defense. Should you have suggestions, ideas for work that should be included, or trouble accessing any of the articles featured, please write to . Articles J. Forbes Farmer, Analyzing and Confronting Managerial Impediments to the Pursuit of Social Justice by Human Service Agencies , Journal of Sociology and Social Work, Vol 7/2. "Mismanagement and unethical behavior are addressed in this article through the presentation of three fact-based cases written by the author to be used in undergraduate or graduate college classes in sociology, social work or human services that cover such topics as management, probation, homeless shelters and generalist social work agencies. The actions of human service staffers and management are supposed to be professionally constrained by the NASW Code of Ethics. How should a social worker respond when he/she sees a conflict that in...