Notable Recent Publications features the latest empirical research and data related to indigent defense. Should you have suggestions, ideas for work that should be included, or trouble accessing any of the articles featured, please write to . Articles Matthew Clair and Alix S. Winter, The collateral consequences of criminal legal association during jury selection , Law and Society Review. "How does a potential juror’s association with the criminal legal system matter during jury selection? ...We draw on interviews with 103 lawyers and judges in a Northeastern state to examine how court officials think about juror bias in relation to criminal legal association beyond felon status. We find that court officials often seek to remove people perceived to be offenders with lower-level forms of system association as well as people perceived to be crime victims. These exclusionary efforts extend to also exclude perceived offenders’ and victims’ social networks. T
A virtual, interdisciplinary community of practitioners, researchers, funders, and policy analysts who care about using data to improve public defense.