Notable Recent Publications features the latest empirical research and data related to indigent defense. Should you have suggestions, ideas for work that should be included, or trouble accessing any of the articles featured, please write to . Webinar Building Texas' Next Generation Public Defense Data System . IDRA webinar, May 19, 2023. Book Robin Steinberg, with contributions by Camilo Ramirez, The Courage of Compassion: A Journey from Judgment to Connection . (Optimism Press). [From the website:] "[N]o one, says Robin Steinberg, should be reduced to their worst moment. From the founder and CEO of The Bail Project, The Courage of Compassion unveils how we can reimagine justice through compassion. Steinberg shares her journey as a public defender, representing people at precisely that time in their lives -- their own worst moment. She recounts the heart-wrenching stories of her clients and invites us to interrogate our fears and beliefs about justice...
A virtual, interdisciplinary community of practitioners, researchers, funders, and policy analysts who care about using data to improve public defense.